HomeGenealogy Do-Over/Go-Over✅ Genealogy Goals for the Go-Over and Beyond


✅ Genealogy Goals for the Go-Over and Beyond — 5 Comments

  1. Pingback:Defining Important Tasks for the Go-Over – This Family Journey

  2. Hi, I have been reading you blog and it sounds a lot like what I am attempting to do with my Go-Over. May I ask how you insert a symbol eg. the green tick into your FTM sources and also other general folder files?
    I am hoping to do something similar to mark/record which of my sources/files/media etc I have verified and uploaded to FTM over time. Yes, I have bits and pieces all over the place and multiple saved copies in multiple locations 🙁
    Thanks so much. I really feel that I work in a similar manner. Lol

    • check out Emojipedia – they have all kinds of great symbols that you can copy and paste into text. I use “textexpander” to create a shortcut for them.

  3. I use the ‘Citation Text’ section of a citation for the names of the people on that record, eg all the people mentioned in the census household. I’ve copied your idea of adding ✅to completely checked references. When I do so the display of that box “expands” as though I had increased both line spacing and tab sizes…. it does so for all references wether or not they have the symbol. If I remove the symbol and use “cmd-A, cmd-X, cmd-V” all is back to normal for that citation AND all the others. (I’ve attached a movie to show this odd behavior)

    I wonder if you have seen this kind of thing and do you think its a problem or just a quirk? Should I risk continuing ?

    • Hi Dave, As we discussed on Facebook, I hadn’t notice this, as I don’t really look that closely at the Sources tab for this info. Since it looks fine in reports, it hasn’t bothered me. I think you mentioned that putting a space before the emoji fixes the issue? Hopefully there will be a way to make this work better for you!

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