Wikitree: July Connect-A-Thon Results
So, as I’ve mentioned before, I’m a Connect-A-Thon addict. Who knew I was so competitive! The Wikitree July Connect-A-Thon has come to a close, and I SQUEAKED by in 1st place this time. I added 2,805 profiles to the World tree, Team Italy came in 6th overall, and 4th in the “normalized” scores (basically the score based on total profiles per participant in the team).
Overall we as a group added 89,894 in a 72 hour period. Lots of fun. Are you Wikitreer? If not, come join us! The next Connect-A-Thon will be in January. Our 4th quarterly Thon is the Source-A-Thon, where we try to add sources to as many “unsourced” profiles as possible.
Wikitree: July Connect-A-Thon Results — No Comments